livfiftyfour: I thought it was still an archive ispeakpew: yeah law ispeakpew: WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? AHHAA ispeakpew: i annouced it to like the world livfiftyfour: HAHAHA I DISAPPARATED livfiftyfour: ...omg livfiftyfour: I meant disappeared ._____. livfiftyfour: potter fail ispeakpew: LAWLL livfiftyfour: omg I just died on the inside D: ispeakpew: AHAHHAHAHAHA ispeakpew: IM DYING TOO livfiftyfour: hahahaha stfu livfiftyfour: DON'T TAKE JOY IN MY HUMILIATION ispeakpew: 8D ispeakpew: HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY |
omg kazzie: haha rad
omg kazzie: i will kill you. omg kazzie: NO ONLY JOKING |
omg kazzie: waffles are good but..
livfiftyfour: IKR? livfiftyfour: pancakes are like sex omg kazzie: waffles are too much work to eat omg kazzie: it's like on top sex livfiftyfour: lol yeah livfiftyfour: omg it totally is omg kazzie: it's good but god you have to cut them up & chew them & man omg kazzie: why not just be on the bottom & take those pancakes like a bitch? |